Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Crazy Story - The Dream of Haunted

When i came to my grandmother's house in night i saw someone who's standing in the attic. i think it was mom. because im in a vacation. i was scared. because that night i hear someone who's calling my name. i feel someone is behind me. My grandmother said "behind this house are actually a grave yard. Its my father who died crash by a truck." Said grandmother. now i really scared about this. i wish my parents are awake. Because i am very very scared 100% scared! And my grandmother eyes are red! I think that is not my real grandmother. The first time i travel to my grandmother's house, my sister say " Why im feeling someone following me?" Now i have to stop thinking about that again so i decide to sleep. Tomorrow at 9 Am mom told me to go to the attic with my sister. Actually i really scared about to go to the attic, but i have to be brave.

because maybe it is just my feeling. When i already in the attic i think someone is following me again. But nobody is around i want to talk to my sister but my sister is gone like a wind. So i decided to go down. But nobody are around, but except my grandmother. my grandmother is wearing white dress. I think that's not my real grandmother. I wish i can escape but i think i trapped. i want to go out but the door are lock. I think this is not the real world. I think this is a ghost world. Because it's quiet here. I started to scared 1000% scared! I wish i can fly and go to the attic and free from the ghost world. The attic is like the balcony but the attic is behind so now i can see the grave yard. my grandmother has a cat. Her name is Tuffy, But she's in the attic when i see her she had a black skin. i think her skin is brown and white and her eyes are white. Like somebody crazy i went to go out because no i see someone standing right behind me again. Everytime i see someone hugging pillow the color is red. and red means blood!

And the guy who's hugging the pillow, he ruined it and eat it! Very weird and Tuffy the cat is gone! Now quietly I walk down and get the key and open the door. when i already in front of the door my grandmother came and touch my shoulder but just one blink then i came back to the attic again!! But the door to the living room are close. So now i can't get out! But now i hear my grandmother is going to the attic. I wish i can fly but i can't. I know this just a dream but i can't awake!!! Then my grandmother open the door with knife. I think she want to kill me!! The door was open. I am so scared about this! And before she kill me i hear someone saying "What are you doing with your grand daughter! What are you doing!" I think it's a boy, but older. Then i saw something so shiny like iron. But more shiny. Then i see the person! I think the person is older, like 100 years old! Just kidding!! But he said "Stop doing that! Or your God will be angry! Don't do that to your grand daughter! You are my daughter! Listen to your dad!! Wait who? I think that's my grandfather. He seems so white. But how did he do that? And when i see the grave yard he was gone. But i hear him saying "I was crash by a truck because of you my daughter" I don't understand why does a girl who killed her father. And why my grandfather is alive again? But i hear my grandmother saying "What have you done to your parents!

And what have you done to me! Why do you push me! So many cars and many trucks! Then i crash by a truck. You push me because you just want a doll?! And you killed your sister and brother and my wife!" I really don't understand about this, i never seen a girl who killed her parents. I think i have to go from my evil grandmother. But i think my grandmother is freezing like an ice cream. But now im so bored because they're always talking. So i decided to go downstairs. But something is weird, everything is black and white and then my grandmother come down but the head is upside down, weird again.

But when she come down, her face is black!! And have white eyes and purple lipstick! Purple means mysterios, strangers, and quiet!!! But when i hide in the bathroom, someone saying "Bita, This is your grandmother. Just open the door! BITA!!!!!!! I think she want to kill me again! But i think this is over! When i look outside, she has very big and shiny sword! I never seen her have big sword! Can't believe it! How did she know im in the bathroom! But when i turn back i see a window! I never seen a window in the bathroom! When i turn left it was my grandfather! He was saying "Come to this window. You will be save. And you have to find a person. It's a boy and he hugging a pillow". Hah?! Hugging pillow? I think I know him when i in trapped in the attic. When i already outside i saw the person. he was eating the pillow and never stop. I was talking to him, but he won't trust me im talking to him for 1 hour! 2 hour 3 hour, im so totatlly bored!!! But when im so serious talking to him now he want to trust me good! So i decided to get him to my grandmother's house. When i already in there, The pillow man open the door and my grandmother so angry because The pillow man is her neighbor and he was saying "can we just be neighbors again and stop all these problems?". "No!!" Said my grandmother.

I wish this problem is over, but me and my grandfather saying "Stop talking each other!" And i was saying "Can you just say sorry and go back to normal! I was so scared! But you two can stop this!!?" I have  100% angry! After that my grandfather and grandmother are gone! And everything was reverse like in video games. And when i turn back someone saying "You did it! You're telling us the truth" I don't understand about this! When i go outside something is crazy weird. My mom was driving car, and my sister just wake up in my car and my dad was pick up my bag! Something are weird, when i turn around there's me! But she looks like a statue when i turn again something shiny like something that i know but there's my grandmother! Im following her and going to the bathroom! But when i see her, she pick my grandfather! When i saying "Stop it! Stop!!!" she won't listening. Maybe im invisible here! And now no one can see me! When im turn around again, my grandfather has been killed! When my grandmother go outside again, she picks my mother, father and my sister! I was so angry to my grandmother! Because im so angry, im become visible again! So i decided to push my grandmother. She almost kill all my parents.

I am so happy i am visible again, And my parents are back! But evil grandmother is still here! I wish this is over, because i hate this day! Crazy day in my life! When i turn around again, my parents are going to the attic, but with my grandmother! I think she want to kill all my parents again! When i already in the attic they're almost fall!! But after that i alwasy worried about my grandmother & my grandfather but my tuffy the cat is back! But the skin still black. When i going to downstairs i saw my grandmother took my sister! I didn't know my sister is not behind me! I want to follow her but i can't. She's too fast than me. When take my glass i throw it to my grandmother. But the glass is gone! So i have to follow her and i will watch her and sneaking slowly and i will kick my grandmother's face, she just leave. That's weird very! My grandmother is gone but my sister is gone too. But when i turn around, my mom and dad are here! But the weird are they're have white eyes, white skin, purple lips, long black hair, and white clothes! But when i wanna run, but i think i trapped by my mom and dad. But many of them! When my mom and dad want to kill me with knife, i already jump so high but when i already run my mom and dad was in here they run so fast like a wind. But i think im gonna be killed by my grandmother. But before she kill me, i hear someone saying "Don't kill my little sister! You are not the only people that can crush us.

But maybe we can crash you!" I think i know who is that. That's my sister! She kick my grandmother's face, and then i am freedom from my grandmother's hand! I almost been killed by a big, very big knife! When my sister coming to me, she was saying "Go to another cat! Cat m...e...a...n.. a cat? I don't know about cat! Now i am very very scared! But maybe the cat what my sister say is Tuffy the cat! But I don't understand about this. Tuffy is only a cat but my sister saying "go to the cat!" Maybe i have talking to myself because my grandmother and my mom and dad are following me! So i have to run fastest as i can! But when i already in my house Tuffy the is gone when i turned around, Tuffy is back! But when i see her, its so weird, how she's become a human! She can talk, she can walk like normal people! Weird but cool. All i need is talk to her, and explain all this trouble and now she can finish this trouble, and everything is back to normal! But the weirdest is, something is like can't get out! There's a mirror on the attic! So weird again but when i see the cat, the head is wrong, the head is upside down like when i see my grandmother. Everything around me are gost! But i can't move and my eyes too! Now i'm becoming a stone! But tuffy now is gone! And my grandmother, is back. But i didn't see my mother and father, wait .....i see them, but they were in a beach. Its weird, no beach here. But they are palying with volleyball, and last thing i never seen is "My mother were playing and going to the ocen of the gost," She said that, not me. But that was weird. I can't take it anymore! Cause for 1 week i already almost been killed by grandmother.

(Tulisan ini dibuat waktu Bita di kelas 4 SD atau sekitar pertengahan tahun 2013 - disalin ke blog oleh Ayah)

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